Amazing tweet of Everyday Mindfulness concerning to a quote of Epictetus: happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: some things are within our control and some are not.

Everyday Mindfulness (@MindfulEveryday) hat getwittert: “Happiness and freedom begin with a clear understanding of one principle: Some things are within our control, and some things are not.” ~ Epictetus #mindfulness

Amazing post by Saania2806 about caring what other people think

Especially the quote from Lao Tzu is great: “Care about what other people think and you’ll always be their prisoner.” More of the post of Saania2806 you find about the link:

Great post from helenps about Awareness

When I read some books about meditation or mindfulness earlier. I often come across a key word – awareness. I’m curious to know what exactly awareness is. Does awareness mean knowing what I’m doing or how I feel at the moment? Is awareness a state that only guru like Yoda can get there? Am IContinue reading “Great post from helenps about Awareness”